Fuel-It! Universal Bluetooth Flex-Fuel Kit


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This is the complete plug and play solution for adding a Bluetooth compatible flex fuel analyzer to your vehicle with an ethanol sensor and optional -6an (3/8″) or -5an (5/16″) barbed Fuel-It! fittings.

All of our Bluetooth Ethanol Analyzers include the optional 0-5V analog output or 50-150hz raw signal output in the same unit!
  • Includes 0-5 volt linear output
    • 0 volts = 0% ethanol
    • 1 volt = 20% ethanol
    • 2 volts = 40% ethanol
    • etc.
  • Includes 50-150 raw signal linear output directly from the ethanol sensor
    • 50hz = 0% ethanol
    • 60hz = 10% ethanol
    • 70hz = 20% ethanol
    • etc.
  • All analyzer options include:
    • Bluetooth output, 0-5 volt analog output, and 50-150hz raw signal output
    • Electrical connections for power and ground
    • Fuel-It! Universal Bluetooth analyzer that plugs directly into the supplied ethanol sensor
    • Genuine Continental ethanol sensor
    • All the necessary electrical connections for power and ground
  • Optional fittings feature:
    • Anodized billet aluminum construction
    • Push-lock style barbed connections for use with many socketless fuel hoses available on the market.  (Please consult hose manufacturer to verify compatibility)
    • Fuel-It! exclusive cam lock fittings (see video below)
  •  To use our Bluetooth feature an additional 3rd party app for your Android or Apple phone must be downloaded and can be found here:

* Fuel lines sold separately.

* Flex-fuel sensors don’t actually read the ethanol content, the readings are based on the absence of gasoline, so if your fuel is contaminated, your ethanol readings may be artificially elevated.




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